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Women on the Rise's Post-Partum Mental Health Support Group logo (a pale purple shape with petals).




The support group meets every Friday morning from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in the Walkley Centre, located at 6650 Chemin de la Côte Saint Luc.

Access via public transit

The 66 bus stops near Guy-Concordia metro station on the green line, and stops at Walkley / Cote-Saint-Luc, in front of the Centre.

The 104 bus leaves from Atwater metro station on the green line, passes by Vendome metro station on the orange line, and stops at Cavendish / Côte-Saint-Luc, which is a 4-minute walk from the Centre.

The 138 bus leaves from Atwater metro station on the green line, and stops at Cavendish / Côte-Saint-Luc, which is a 4-minute walk from the Centre.

The 103 bus leaves from Villa Maria metro station on the orange line, and stops at Côte-saint-Luc / Walkley, across the street from the Centre.

The 51 bus leaves from Snowdon metro station on the orange line, and stops at Fielding / Walkley, which is a 7-minute walk from the Centre. Turn right on Rue Walkley and go straight until you see the Centre on your right.

The 420 express bus passes near Guy-Concordia metro station on the green line and Vendome metro station on the orange line, and stops at Côte-Saint-Luc / Cumberland, which is a 3-minute walk from the Centre. This bus has a limited schedule.

Access via car

The Walkley Centre has free parking in front of the building on Rue Walkley.

米莉·特雷西拉 (Millie Tresierra) 握着病人的手,脸上带着温柔的微笑。


Millie Tresierra

Millie Tresierra 是一名社区倡导者、分娩/产后陪护人员,也是 The Family Care Collective 的联合创始人。十多年来,她一直参与围产期支持和倡导(教育、亲身支持、心理健康)。她热衷于创造让女性能够聚集在一起并寻求支持、指导、社区和亲情的空间。她自己也经历过产后抑郁症,这让她亲身感受到心理健康支持的重要性。她的人生格言是“社区就是良药”。

Women on the Rise's Post-Partum Mental Health Support Group logo (a pale purple shape with petals).
Women on the Rise's Post-Partum Mental Health Support Group logo (a pale purple shape with petals).
蒙特利尔鹅妈妈儿童基金会协调员兼幼儿教育家 Desrean McFarlane 的肖像照。


Desrean McFarlane

Women on the Rise's Post-Partum Mental Health Support Group logo (a pale purple shape with petals).


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